Early orthodontics, also known as Phase I Orthodontics, is performed when your child has baby teeth and adult teeth. Early treatment is important for correcting skeletal, dentoalveolar, and muscular imbalances.
Shine Orthodontics sees patients as young as 7 and can correct oral issues before they become long-term health problems.
Correct width of dental arches with expansion
Improved eruption patterns of permanent teeth
Decreased risk of trauma to protruding upper front teeth
Correct oral habits like thumb sucking
Increased space for permanent teeth
Reduced likelihood of permanent tooth extraction
There are many options for correcting oral health issues early in childhood. Timely and appropriate treatment can prevent worse issues down the line and set you up for long-term health habits.
Treatment for patients as young as 7 can include:
Space Maintainers
Nance appliance
Lower Lingual Holding Arch
Band and Loop Space Maintainer